CBD, also known as cannabidiol oil, has gained massive popularity for pet use. Over the years, there has been a misconception that CBD oil creates a ‘high-like’ effect and causes intoxication, but the truth is that CBD doesn’t contain THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). It is completely safe to use. The cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid receptors located in the nervous system of pets. This, in turn, helps maintain their overall health.
Here are a few prominent benefits of CBD oil for pets.
Works As An Effective Painkiller
Pets experience body pain, which would be because of numerous factors, such as age, surgery, fractures, etc. If you use CBD oil consistently, it can help reduce pain and treat chronic diseases effectively. Pet CBD cat helps change the way your pet’s brain perceives pain. From arthritis to nerve pain, this oil works well without the harmful side effects of pain medications. CBD oil also helps manage other symptoms that come with pain, such as nausea and sleeplessness. It can also help manage acute pain from injuries.
Anti-Inflammatory Oil
BD oil acts as an anti-inflammatory oil due to its medicinal properties. It helps enhance the immune system’s response to various psychological issues. Being naturally anti-inflammatory, CBD oil doesn’t carry the same risk of side effects as drugs.
Helps Reduce Anxiety
Just like humans, pets also face bouts of anxiety. Car, thunderstorms, or separation anxiety can have a grave impact on their health. The pets might even try to jump out of the window or run away in extreme cases. The usage of CBD oil can help calm them down. It works quickly, given directly by mouth when your dog gets stressed.
Keeps The Skin And Coat Healthy
The skin requires care on a daily basis. Skin allergies, ticks, or lack of nutrition can wreck your pet’s skin along with the coat. Topical application of CBD oil according to your pet’s health requirements can show promising results by improving their fur texture. This oil helps in relieving itchy and dry skin, and it also promotes the growth of new healthy skin cells. CBD oil can be given internally for allergies and used externally for interdigital cysts or hot spots.
Aids Joint And Bone Health
When your pet has joint pain, your vet might describe pain meds, which can cause deterioration in tissues, and they can also damage your pet’s liver. But CBD oil doesn’t have those side effects.
With growing age, pets have to face arthritic pain, which is their greatest nemesis. CBD oil is quite potent when it comes to treating aged pets inflicted with arthritis. Some breeds are predisposed to arthritic pain; in their case, consumption and massage of CBD oil from adulthood, after consulting your veterinarian, can have a highly positive effect on their joint and bone health.
If you are a pet parent, you should definitely consider CBD oil. We can provide you with the highest quality CBD oil, which will do wonders for your fur buddy.